Conquering the Vruttis – modulations of mind

Patanjali explains the what is Chitta and what are the different Vruttis in some of the initial sutras (shlokas) and then he goes on to explain how to control them. You can learn more about Chitta and the 5 types of Vruttis from my earlier posts, link below. Below are the Yogasutras numberContinue reading “Conquering the Vruttis – modulations of mind”

The secret of being Peaceful

In one my earlier posts, link below, I have discussed about the Chitta and Vruttis, that is the working of our mind and how our Chitta is always getting into different Vruttis and we are never able to see our real self. This also means that we are not able to be peaceful. The moreContinue reading “The secret of being Peaceful”

Antahakaran by Ahankara- Internalizing the sensory inputs

There are so many things that happen in our mind which we are not aware of or we don’t give any thought to it but they are explained in a lot of detail by our Yogis via the different scriptures. If you would have heard Sadhguru or read his book ‘Inner Engineering’ he mentions thatContinue reading “Antahakaran by Ahankara- Internalizing the sensory inputs”

The web of Vruttis

In my previous post I talked about the Patanjali Yogasutra sholka or rather the sutra which in a way defines yoga as the process of controlling or stopping the Vruttis from arising in our Chitta. You’ll find this mention in many of our scriptures and you may hear many yogis or religious leaders say thatContinue reading “The web of Vruttis”

Chitta Vrutti Nirodhaha

One of the most important book or scripture for yoga is the Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutra. Sadhguru has mentioned many times that just like today’s medical science which is getting into very specific specializations like for just one particular organ of the body the yogis before Patanjali had also broken down Yoga into many paths and specializationContinue reading “Chitta Vrutti Nirodhaha”

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